Tuesday, January 8, 2008

global non-warming

I haven't taken much interest in global warming. I don't have strong political or emotional responses to it either way. That may be very surprising considering my "green" leanings.

I am, however, strongly concerned about taking care of our planet because that is our responsibility, not because I am afraid of global warming. This is our home!! Who, in their right mind, would trash their home? I believe in acting responsibly, which means trying my hardest to take care of my own house, my neighborhood, and on and on, to my world.
That said, here is an article regarding the subject from the Cato Institute.
Have a jolly read!


Woody said...

I'm completely in agreement with you on this. Whether global warming is a reality or not, it's completely reasonable to insist that everyone be responsible.

Just think what would happen if factories had to pay for what the dump into the air, or water. And what if they had to take back all the packaging they give to consumers. I think we'd see big changes fast.

Keep up the writing.

Anji Coman said...

You are right Woody, that would be so interesting a change in our world if companies had to take care of the packaging. I would like to see that! When I think about how big the US is, how many people live here, and how much stuff we use, it is mind boggling.