Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Affects of Pornography on our Rights as Women.

Women in America fought a long time to achieve the right to Vote and the right to own property. Having been simply objects of possession, tools and entertainments to men it was quite the turnaround. It took so long to get where we are today. We have the right to go to school, to pursue college and graduate degrees - as far as we have the inclination, and funding. We can own our own businesses, our own houses.

We continue to fight the long fight for equality in the workforce and in normal day to day interactions. Most women in the workforce and at home feel like they are treated with respect. There are some professions where this is integrally not the case - the military where respect is absent period- women are scarce and the realities of war harden the average man. But on a large scale, women are recognized and treated with a high level of equality socially, in the workforce, and in the home.

However, there is an new trend. This trend results from the proliferation of pornography acted out by those who use it and our ever increasing sex obsessed society. Without professional expertise, I rely on what I have witnessed in the behavior of those around me or seen in the media. My eyes are open and I have intelligence enough to notice that the more a person consumes pornography, the less likely they are to hold women in any sort of esteem. People who use pornography devalue any contribution in thought or action by woman, except of course if it is sensual. The more deeply involved in pornography, the less they value women as people - at home, at work, anywhere, and the more they view women as objects, without intelligence, without respectability. This is a return to the status women held less than forty years ago as passive, worthless, entertainment.

In the media pornography is portrayed as something "that men do." It is no big deal, no one is getting hurt by it. And now, as time has passed, normal day to day people are beginning to believe the lie. Nothing could be so opposite of how it is shown to be. It is amazing how blatant the lies are. On the sitcom, "Friends" the men were known to view pornography, and it was laughed at in disgust, but laughed at nonetheless. This casual use of pornography had no visible side affects on TV. There is no mention made of the destruction of the user's ability to love in a healthy and normal way.

What are the women like on TV? Are they treated with respect? Are they strong and are they making a positive impact in the world? No, the only way to get good ratings is to have hardly anything on, and sleep with anyone who smiles at or hits them.

For those women who act the parts of pornography, or who promote it, or allow it to continue in ignorance of the reality; "Do you really want to derail our progress in this world as women? We have come so far. Look beyond yourselves and open your eyes to what you threaten our daughters with." As pornography spreads throughout our society and the world on the Internet, filling the pockets of villainous vultures, think what that will do to our Civilization, to our hard-won rights as women.

The disrespect towards women I have witnessed has only been on the personal level. Imagine the consequences on a national scale. I have no doubt this is exactly what our daughters will face in just a few years: scorn and objectification once again, only worse, because our sons will remember our current level of equality and opportunity and grind their faces with the memory.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Smart Car

Last year I saw  a Smart Car on the road for the first time. I was so excited, I went home and looked it up on the internet, because I had only read about it cursorily. I thought it might be an electric vehicle, but I didn't remember exactly. So I looked it up, and was not too surprised that it is run by gasoline, but I
was surprised when I read it's gas mileage: 33 city/41 highway mpg. I was shocked. Someone had obviously gone to a lot of trouble to buy that car. It's not easy to get, you have to order it, and wait a long time, and it isn't cheap. But I wondered why they had gotten it. For it's size, the fuel economy was outrageous. Horrible! My van is at least four times that size, and it gets about 16 MPG. That is not a good mileage, I know, it rankles. Back to my point, though, I would think that a vehicle 1/4 the size of my van would get at least as good mileage- comparatively, but even if it was as efficient as my van, it would get around 64 MPG. If my van were as inefficient as the smart car, it would get about 8 MPG.
So, basically, I think anyone who buys this car is being tricked. Personally, I think it wouldn't be that difficult to get the mpg on a vehicle this small and light up near 100 MPG. I am just sizzling with frustration at our "Green" options. 

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hurray for Plug - In's

Whooppee, this is what I have been waiting for since I was 12, electric cars being widely used and promoted. I saw a news article about Steve Bernheim finding places to plug in his Corbin Sparrow in Edmonds, Washington. Of course it was Washington! Washingtonians are very energy conscious:).

Goodbye for now, we are making sugar cookies for Halloween.

Monday, August 4, 2008

The Unpopular history of Feminism, and the Danger of Porn

I feel so inspired to assert myself in my civil duty. It is because of an inspiring article on the history of feminism- an unpopular history. My eyes have been opened to what is truly influential in affecting change in our society, and since there are many things I could wish were different in our society, I want to start trying to influence some change! Here is a link to the article, a well written report calling women to be more active in changing our world. So, here we go.

I would like to bring people around me, especially women, to a higher awareness of the dangers of pornography. Pornography is not innocent entertainment, and I hardly think anyone considers it so, however, there are many who don't see it for what it is: a bomb, a tidal wave of immeasurable proportions, a tsunami, a force of ill-nature so broad it threatens our whole world, especially the women, for we are the ones who feel the brunt of the force of this ill-nature.

There are many who view it as unwise, distasteful, unpleasant, but not dangerous. To any who think that pornography is somehow acceptable, you are seriously deceived. Carefully deceived. Even deliberately deceived.

Please open your eyes to the addictive qualities of pornography. Please open your eyes to the heartbreak it creates in families. Please open your eyes to all the news articles printed every day about violence and abuse afflicted on women and children - and the perpetrators blame their pornography addictions for their actions.
Viewing pornography alters anyone who watches it - eventually people start to act out the sickness of what they see, and, disappointed, the next step is violation of others either in or out of their own family. For pornography is a lie - a trick that changes a natural loving relationship into insatiable and uncontrolled lust - lust that is impossible to satisfy - because it is a lie. Just like a drug addiction, someone hooked on pornography seeks out larger doses of their drug because their senses become dulled over time. The person seeks larger and larger doses until there is nothing left but an animal, worse, a predator of the vilest kind.
Pornography consumption is so rampant that I believe if it goes unchecked, the illness, the mental derangement of addicts will become a danger to us all.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Just do it, and get out of the way.

I am really excited about the Pickens plan. Can you tell? I think his plan can actually work. Here is a funny quote from an interview this week.
"If only we had a Congress and president who, instead of chasing crazy schemes like offshore drilling and releasing oil from our strategic reserve, just sat down with Boone and Shai and asked one question: “What laws do we need to enact to foster 1,000 more like you?” Then just do it, and get out of the way. "
Shai is an Israeli electric car maker who was also interviewed. I like him! He has a unique company that has, (or will have,) electric cars available like cell phones - except you buy miles a month rather than minutes. I don't exactly get it. But it sounds promising. If you would like to read the whole article click: here.

Monday, July 21, 2008

My take on the Pickens Plan

The previous two posts are about a plan to lower our use of foreign oil. I am so excited about it. It could really work!! T Boone Pickens has a great idea to develop wind to replace natural gas used to make electricity, and in turn use the natural gas to fuel more cars. This would save us $700 billion spent on foreign oil in ONE YEAR! That is amazing. He is also pushing for the real development of all alternative energy sources. This is exciting to me, though I am absolutely repulsed by the development of nuclear energy. That is the one thing I disagree with in his plan. But, since this is the first effort anyone is making to actually move forward rationally at all in our energy policies, I am enthusiastic. I couldn't be more delighted, actually.
I hope anyone who reads about this will look into the matter for themselves. I think the rationale is self-evident. Please, lets do our part to have righteous dominion over our earth, our home.

Pickens plan encapsulated

Texas oil tycoon sees answer blowin' in the wind
Saturday, July 19th 2008, 12:25 PM
Most New Yorkers remember the old national debt clock in Times Square. It ticked upward every second to show how deep in debt our country was growing - to awaken Americans to a crisis.
We've got an even greater problem now, with consequences far more significant: Our dangerous and growing dependence on foreign oil, an issue that will require us to spend $700 billion this year, which is more than four times the cost of the Iraqi war.
Like many of you, I ignored the telltale signs as our imports of foreign oil grew from 24% in 1970 to 42% in 1990 to 70% today.
With only 4% of the population and 3% of the world's oil reserves, we now consume 24% of the world's oil.
We have had three years of record oil price increases. And while oil supply is decreasing, demand will only increase as developing nations consume more oil. Which will drive prices even higher.
We have drifted for decades without an energy plan. We cannot afford to wait any longer.
Here's my plan to reduce America's foreign oil imports by more than one-third in the next decade.
It starts with wind. Wind is 100% domestic, 100% renewable and 100% clean. In the middle part of our country from Texas to the Canadian border, we have some of the world's largest wind reserves. Using private investment in wind farms, we can tap that power and create 22% of the nation's electricity.
Wind energy can replace the natural gas we currently use to fuel our power plants to create electricity. We can then use that freed-up natural gas for transportation. Natural gas is cleaner, cheaper and better than gasoline, and it's found in abundance in the U.S.
At the same time, I also want to see us explore all avenues, from more R&D into batteries and fuel cells to development of solar, ethanol and more conservation. We should also consider drilling in the outer continental shelf.
It may seem simple, but these three steps would displace more than one-third of our foreign oil imports and get us to our goal. My plan can be accomplished through private investment with no new consumer or corporate taxes or government regulation.
We have a golden opportunity in this election year to build support for this plan. We can solve this one - if we come together and take on the responsibility of change.
Pickens, a life-long Texas oilman, is chief executive officer of BP Capital. Learn more about his ideas at www.pickensplan.com

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The global food crisis and its causes

Another article from AEI about the global food crisis. I share in the frustration of biofuel. But I was surprised to see that Biofuel production is only incraesing food costs by 20 percent. The other causes are trade restrictions, and the inflation of the dollar(he hem, please refer to my entry on Jan 08 08 about the hegemony of the dollar). There are more, but I can't remember exactly what they were. I hope you will take the time to read this article, I found it very eye opening.

Ahh, I found another article on the same subject that is much shorter and to the point. And explains the causes much better.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Forget Economic Stimulus, Fix the U.S. Tax Code

The President, and Congress have presented an emergency economic stimulus package consisting of temporary tax cuts. Will it be helpful? Will I be greatful for an extra $2000? Yes, but at what cost?
I was interested to find out what the authorities had to say (authorities as in American Enterprise Institute - the governments own thinktank.) about the proposed stimulus package in congress. We all know it is going to pass. Ken said, "this is an election year, of course it will pass!" So I looked at AEI, a very reliable information source - unlike the news. I read an artical by Kevin Hassett (Kevin A. Hassett is a senior fellow and director of economic policy studies at AEI). According to Hassett, "The end result (of the stimulus package) will be that we have a slightly smaller chance of having a recession."
He basically says that, if the goal is to avert a recession, this package may help a little, if the goal is to increase spending, it will, to a point.
Wealthy people will spend on average an extra 5 percent.
Poor people will spend 100 percent.
Businesses will spend an extra 5 percent as well.
Those numbers do not sound that great. Well, except for the lower class spending. If what you are looking for is spending, that is. Where does wisdom enter in?
I was pleased to see that Congress is looking into an education program to teach people about finances. Too bad government can't really teach.

Hassett said, "A broken tax code is an asset in bad times, because there are so many things to fix. Any number of reforms could help turn the economy around. By focusing only on temporary measures, the administration and Congress are overlooking our greatest asset, our lousy tax code.

So, I guess I wish congress would listen and focus on changing the tax code, because that would be a much longer term fix, according to Hassett. And I am a long term, big picture, person right?! Right.
I hope you find the article as educational as I did.
Tax cuts, hurrah!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Snow ball man

Grace thinks the snowball man is pretty amazing!

Who wants to go out and get wet to make a snow man? Everyone? Well, today I just brought the snow inside to make one!
This is a short, but cute video showing all the snow at our house. We have even more today.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Better gas mileage in your current car is possible!

How to get good gas mileage in your car: From Consumer Reports
and another from off the net: Hypermilers. I was looking for information on all wheel drive. I was wondering if I would get better gas mileage if I turn mine of. Does anyone know?

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Dance lessons

Chris is living in our basement along with his friend Chance. Chris was teaching Eliza a few baisic swing dance steps. How fun is that!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Cute Christmas day photos

Eliza is dancing here. Swirling in circles to some ballet music

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

An influential article (at least for me).

The End of Dollar Hegemony

I read this article a few years ago, and it has influenced my thinking about the dollar ever since. I wanted to share it with any who might read on my blog.

global non-warming

I haven't taken much interest in global warming. I don't have strong political or emotional responses to it either way. That may be very surprising considering my "green" leanings.

I am, however, strongly concerned about taking care of our planet because that is our responsibility, not because I am afraid of global warming. This is our home!! Who, in their right mind, would trash their home? I believe in acting responsibly, which means trying my hardest to take care of my own house, my neighborhood, and on and on, to my world.
That said, here is an article regarding the subject from the Cato Institute.
Have a jolly read!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

A fun day of sledding

Isn't she darling?!
I was surprised to read an interesting article about Geothermal energy from the American Enterprise Institute. It is very informative. I hadn't even thought of geothermal before. I was glad to read it, I hope you enjoy it too!Fascinating article on geothermal energy.