Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Just do it, and get out of the way.

I am really excited about the Pickens plan. Can you tell? I think his plan can actually work. Here is a funny quote from an interview this week.
"If only we had a Congress and president who, instead of chasing crazy schemes like offshore drilling and releasing oil from our strategic reserve, just sat down with Boone and Shai and asked one question: “What laws do we need to enact to foster 1,000 more like you?” Then just do it, and get out of the way. "
Shai is an Israeli electric car maker who was also interviewed. I like him! He has a unique company that has, (or will have,) electric cars available like cell phones - except you buy miles a month rather than minutes. I don't exactly get it. But it sounds promising. If you would like to read the whole article click: here.

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